How Do I Withdraw my Earnings?
How To Withdraw Your EarningsFeaturedHow to Withdraw From AdsClicka To Binance
To withdraw to your mobile money wallet or bank account, you first need to have an account at To receive USDT in your Binance account, you will need to follow these steps: Sign in to your Binance account. Click on the "Deposit" button in the top right corner of the screen. Select "USDT" as the cryptocurrency you want to deposit You will be provided with a unique USDT deposit address. Copy the USDT deposit address provided to you. On your AdsClicka account addSome readersHow to set up Payment Details and Withdraw
In order to withdraw you first need to set up your payment details on your AdsClicka account by following the steps below. Click on settings then on Payment and add your preferred payment method you can choose between Crypto, Perfect Money or Payeer The Payeer account starts with a P for example P2537839 The Perfect Money account starts with a U eg U889356 For Crypto payments you enter your TETHER (USDT) wallet address Enter your pin (secret pin created during registration) and click oFew readersWhat is the Minimum Withdrawal?
The minimum withdrawal on is 15$. Withdrawals are on Mondays between 00.00hrs to 16.00hrs Server Time.Few readersHow to Withdraw using Cryptocurrency
How to withdraw using CryptoFew readers